Florida Destination Marketing: A Newcomer's Guide

Welcome to the comprehensive training program designed for new employees at Florida's Destination Marketing Organizations, board members, lawmakers, and newcomers to the tourism industry. This program is your guide for discovering how people work together to bring more visitors to Florida and help our state's economy grow. Each of these brief modules help you do your part to keep Florida as one of the best places to visit and live.

Destination Marketing: Building Better Destinations with Effective Marketing
A fun and informative session on tourism marketing in Florida. Discover how your role, whether big or small, contributes to promoting your destination. Learn the secrets behind creating a brand that resonates with visitors and how to balance tourism with local resident happiness. Get inspired to find your destination's hidden gems and turn them into adventures everyone will love.


DMO Structure: The Strategic Impact of DMOs in Florida
Navigates through the evolution of DMOs from fledgling marketing organizations to leaders in a sustainable tourism industry serving their local communities. Gain insights into how DMOs have adapted to changing visitor demands while playing a crucial role in the economic development of their communities.


Making Headlines: Florida's Tourism PR Playbook
Dive into the exciting world of public relations in Florida's tourism with Nicole Stacey and Jayna Leach. They'll share insider tips on how every day brings new opportunities to showcase your destination in the best light, whether you're planning big events or dealing with daily challenges. Get ready to learn how to make your destination stand out and attract more visitors with some PR magic.


Visit Florida: Driving Success for Members of the Tourism Industry
Discover the incredible impact of Visit Florida, the state's official tourism marketing corporation, on Florida's booming tourism industry. This session delves into how Visit Florida's public-private partnership model promotes the Sunshine State worldwide, generating significant economic benefits and supporting millions of jobs. Learn how Visit Florida promotes the Florida brand and empowers tourism industry partners to attract more visitors.


Partnerships: DMOs Maximize Marketing Impact Through Strategic Collaborations
Discover real-world examples illustrating how strategic collaborations and co-ops can significantly enhance a destination's appeal, drive economic impact, and contribute positively to the community and the environment. This module reveals how destination marketers leverage partnerships to leverage their marketing budget and maximize impact for their tourism community.


Tourism Research: The Blueprint for Marketing Success
Discover how tourism research acts as the guiding light for marketing strategies and decision-making for Destination Marketing leaders. This episode dives deep into visitor profiles, accommodation trends, and the significant impact calculators that shape successful tourism initiatives. Gain insights into leveraging data for enhancing visitor experiences and driving economic growth within your community.


Funding Tourism Marketing: Florida's Tourist Development Tax Blueprint
Explore the foundational elements of the Tourist Development Tax in Florida and how it shapes the landscape of tourism marketing. This informative session breaks down the tax structure, revealing how counties leverage these funds for promotional activities, infrastructure, and more. This video demystifies the allowable uses of the tax ensuring you're well-prepared to contribute to Florida's tourism growth.